witr meaning | Quran Blessing

witr meaning

witr meaning

If you ask for the witr meaning, you must know the importance of prayer in Islam. It is the first pillar of Islam mentioned by the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) after he mentioned the creed to become a Muslim. It was compulsory for all prophets and all people, so Allah has proclaimed its obligatory status.

For example, whilst Allah spoke without delay to Moses, he said: “And I selected you, so pay attention to what conjures up you.

I’m Allah! There is no one worth worshiping except me.

1– What is the witr meaning?

Allah’s call Al-Witr is associated in which means to His stunning names Al-Ahad and Al-Waahid. All imply that Allah ‘azza wa jall is one, best, and specific in His essence, all His powers, expertise, and abilities.

The witr meaning (Arabic: وتر) is an Islamic prayer performed in the night after Isha or before Fajr (morning prayer).

The consensus among jurists is that witr should be perfected with an odd number of Rakat, which can be 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, or 11.

2– How many obligatory prayers are in Islam?

Five daily prayer are Fajr (Sunrise Prayer).

Dhuhr (Midday Prayer).

Asr (Afternoon Prayer).

Maghrib (Sunset Prayer).

Isha (Evening Prayer).

Each prayer has a specific time frame in which it must be completed.

3- How to perform the Witr prayer?

witr meaning to pray an odd number of units, one Rakah, or three or more,  an odd number.

Every worshiper has the opportunity to invest in deepening his relationship with the Creator.

If you understand why you pray, then you probably be more disciplined and consistent in your prayers.

The Quran teaches that prayer is a source of patience, a spiritual act that brings peace to the believer’s mind, and a means of self-purification.

Indeed, Allah is with the patient, Those who have faith and have peace of mind by remembering Allah Almighty.

The most common method is to pray 3 Rakat for Witr, so there are two ways to complete witr prayer.

The most common method is to pray 3 Rakat for Witr, so you have two ways to accomplish this:

1. The first way is to pray 3 Rakat without sitting on tashhud in the second Rakat.

2. You can pray 2 Rakat for Witr at tashhud and tasleem, then follow up Rakat again with tashhud and, tasleem.

3. The Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is to pray in pairs, ending the witr with one Rakat and completing odd Rakats.

4. In another hadith, the Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) stated that in witr prayer he prayed 5 Rakats, 7Rakats, and even 9 Rakats, and, did not separate them by tasleem.

4- WITR prayer Wajib(duty) or Sunnah?

Opinions differ on whether the witr prayer is a sunnah or Wajib.

According to Imam Abu Hanifa, Witr Prayer is considered a Wajib, but three other imams view this prayer as Sunna, not Wajib.

What is Qiyam Al Leil (night prayer)?

Qiyam al-layl means spending the night, even for a short time, in prayer, and recitation of the Quran, and, all acts of worship.

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5- What is Tahajud Prayer?

Tahajud (Arabic: staying up at night), is a Muslim practice of reciting the Quran (the Islamic scripture) and, praying at night. Tahajud considered a sunna rather than a farḍ (duty).

The tahajud prayer is the night prayer, with the difference that the one who prays the tahajud rises to prayer after he sleeps a little.

If you want to perform the Tahajud prayer, so you must sleep, even a short time, then you get up in the middle of the night.

You can pray two light Rakahs, then pray whatever Rakahs, then you must give the tsaleem after every two Rakahs.

When you complete the Tahajud prayer, so you must pray one Rakah as the Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him.

6- How to pray witr Hanfi Method?

What is witr meaning?

It means witr prayer, so it is one of the best acts of worship that draw one in the direction of Allah.

According to the Hanafi Method, the Witr prayer consists of three units (Rakats), ending with a series of salaams.

The format is similar to the Maghrib prayer, but in the third and final Rakat, you have three additional verses).

In Hanafi school, three Rakats are required, sit at the end of the second Rakat, stand up to complete the third Rakat with a Fatihah and an additional surah, and, an additional Takbir and, knut before it enters, of dua is required. Ruku, until the end of the prayer.

Witr prayer can be considered problematic because Prophet Muhammad () taught us how to complete it.

witr meaning , which school of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), you are follow?

All schools in Fiqh (jurisprudence) are based on the Saheeh Hadith and run according to the teachings of the Quran.

No school is more precise than others, so witr prayers can be performed at any time after Isha prayer or before Fajr (morning prayer).

7- Benefits of witr prayer

The person who performs the witr prayer will receive a great reward from Allah

The Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – recommended it and made it clear that God Almighty loves it when he said: “God is a witr that loves the witr, so perform the witr’’.

Benefits of witr prayer:

1-Type of Sunnah prayer is a Benefits of witr prayer

Witr prayers are a type of Sunnah prayer performed at night as a cap for other prayers, such as Tahajud prayers and Tarawih prayer benefits.

2- Allah’s love The witr prayer

Allah Almighty loves witr prayer, therefore, Allah likes people who done witr prayer, then do witr prayer.

3- Benefits of witr prayer is a higher prayer than a purple camel

Hadith stated that the distinctive feature of witr prayer is higher than a purple camel.

The price of witr prayer is greater than the price of a purple camel.

It was narrated to us [Abu Walid Ath Thayalisi] and [Qutaibah bin Sa`id] from [Kharijah bin Hudzafah], Abu Al Walid Al Adawi stated Rasulullah stated: “Indeed Allah has obliged for you a prayer that it’s miles higher for you than the purple camel, the witr prayer, and he has made it among isha prayer till dawn.” (Abu Dawud).

witr meaning that a true Muslims belief in Allah Al-Witr alone.

4- Remembrance of Allah and good worship

Allah, we worship, we pray, we bow, we have hastened (worship), so we believe Allah.

We desire Your mercy and fear Your suffering, we praise your kindness, so we believe you.

The heart’s belief in Allaha, also a remembrance of him in supplication is one of the most important Benefits of witr prayer.

5-Our dua is accepted

Witr prayer time is the proper time to pray and the time closer to Allah Almighty. Dua after Witr prayer is one of the prayers bestowed by Allah Almighty.

You can also read when is the best time to make a dua to be accepted in Islam.

your prayers are witnessed by angels, so witr prayers at the end of the night are witnessed by angels.

Angels come to us to bring blessings and pray to Allah Almighty, so it is the Benefits of witr prayer.

6- Willpower to overcome difficulties

A prayerful person always has a strong will to face the temptations of the world. His dua will always be heard by Allah Almighty.

Allah Almighty always gives guidance to His people who carry out His commands and do whatever He loves.

During the Witr Prayer, a Knut Prayer is asking for guidance and salvation to Allah Almighty. This is Cnut’s Prayer which can be read in the Witr Prayer.

witr meaning The Name of Allah Al witr Al-Ahad.


“Shafa” refers to even-numbered units in prayers, such as the 2nd and 4th Rak’ahs in Dhuhr, Asr, and Isha. “Witr” specifically denotes the odd-numbered unit in the Isha prayer, typically observed as 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, or 11 Rak’ahs, and is a distinct and recommended part of the Isha prayer. Both are essential components of the Islamic prayer routine.

The Qunoot is a specific supplication recited during the third unit of the Witr prayer. A common version includes a plea for guidance, forgiveness, divine blessings, and protection from decreed harm. It’s important to recite the Qunoot with sincerity and understanding of its meaning.

The way Salat al-Witr is performed, whether silently or with audible recitation, depends on the school of thought within Islam. The Hanafi school typically opts for silent recitation, while the Shafi’i, Maliki, and Hanbali schools may include audible recitation, especially during the Qunoot supplication in the third Rak’ah.

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