Best deeds in the eyes of Allah such as praying on time, Honoring your parents, Jihad for God’s sake, Forgiveness redeeming your sins, and increasing your livelihood.
Fasting is atonement for sin, and only God knows the reward.
All scholars of Islamic jurisprudence and others agree that good deeds are one of the pillars of the faith.
Best deeds in the eyes of Allah are a testament to the integrity of Tawheed (monotheism).
Good deeds are the true testament to the stability of the faith of the heart.
Best deeds in the eyes of Allah, timely Prayer, Diligence, Piousness, and Always Remembering Allah.
1- Definition of good deeds
Muslims perform their duties and acquire their rights according to Islamic law, which always emphasizes good deeds for themselves, their families, and the society in which they live. Good deeds vary, including fulfilling the five Muslim obligations.
Two testimonies (the testimony that there is no deity but Allah, and the testimony that Muhammad is Allah’s messenger).
The origin of faith is the proclamation of two testimonies, the reality of which acts upon it. Allah, in his mighty Book, has associated this with a verse that combines good words and good deeds.
The system of prayer (that is, his five prayers day and night).
payment of zakat. Fasting during Ramadan.
A pilgrimage to the house (for those who can, that is, who can). Muslims perform their duties for good deeds to get closer to Allah to gain His approval and love for submission. Therefore, they receive well in life and rewards in the afterlife.
Allah Almighty commanded his worship to do good deeds and urged them to hasten the act of obedience.
Allah Almighty said:
(O you who have believed, bow and prostrate and worship your Lord and do good that you may succeed). Ayah 77
Surah Al-Hajj
Noble verses show that a person always does good deeds, but Allah must accept it from him in order to be successful.
2- Best deeds in the eyes of Allah
1- Muslims do their duty, worship Allah Almighty, and avoid taboos.
Therefore, the first thing we must do is to perform all our duties and refrain from what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden us.
2- Best deeds in the eyes of Allah, recitation of the Noble Quran day and night, seeking Allah’s pleasure and out of love for His bounty and generosity.
The recitation of the Quran is an act of worship with great reward.
The reciter has ten good deeds for each letter because Allah’s Almighty said: Reading each letter of the Quran is rewarded with ten good deeds.
3- Best deeds in the eyes of Allah, Charity: money, food, clothing, etc., given to the poor, etc., not as a means of generosity, but as a means of approaching God Almighty. Phrase of Charity: A rewarding gift from Almighty God.
4- Best deeds in the eyes of Allah, Helping people in need from the afflicted is doing good deeds to liberate the afflicted and striving to meet their needs, such as food, drink, clothing, housing, medical treatment, and debt repayment.
The Prophet Muhammad said: (peace and prayers of Allah be upon him) (Allah is in the servant’s help as long as the servant is in aid of his brother).
5- Best deeds in the eyes of Allah, Reconciliation between people removes the causes of disagreement and animosity between disputants.
Encourages them to be paid and rewarded when they are without dispute and when alienation is encountered, Defined as threatening and reprimanding with crime and punishment.
6- Best deeds in the eyes of Allah, Raising orphans and doing good deeds involves patronizing orphans as the Prophet wanted.
If you take care of an orphan and spend on him, you are his companion in heaven, and as a messenger of Allah (S.A.W) Said: (He who sponsors orphans in paradise with me).
7- Best deeds in the eyes of Allah, promotion of Virtue, and Prevention of Vice.
Enjoining good and forbidding evil is one of the most vital virtues in Islam.
Promotion of Virtue includes advice, guidance, and sound guidance to the right path.
Prevention of Vice means a Warning against slackness in fulfilling the obligations or falling into disobedience of Allah.
8- Best deeds in the eyes of Allah, the principle of justice succeed in developing a just, fair, and prosperous society.
Justice establishes security in the country, peace of mind, and people feel stability, thus eliminating social problems and disturbances due to injustice.
Muslims can achieve good deeds everywhere and strive to get great rewards through many good deeds.
Obedience to Allah and carrying out His commandments are the best deeds of Allah Almighty.
9- Best deeds in the eyes of Allah, Sincerity at work, The Prophet Muhammad(saw) said that a believer is one whose word is confirmed by his deeds. Allah’s law is such that those who work sincerely and in the right direction always win. Salvation is also the result of the right actions. All rightly led religions recognize the importance of good deeds. Doing good deeds is part of believing in gods, messengers, and the afterlife.
Islam makes it clear that salvation is guaranteed only to those who have a conviction-based faith, perform righteous deeds, keep the truth, and show patience and tolerance.
10- Best deeds in the eyes of Allah, Respecting, treating, and caring for fathers and mothers are good deeds and bring good to Muslims.
The Prophet said: Your mother. The man said, “Then who?” The Prophet said: Then your mother. The man continued asking. The Prophet said: Then your mother. the man asked again. The Prophet said: Then your father. (Bukhari, Muslim).
The best deeds in the eyes of Allah, Respecting acts is prayer, after believing in the Oneness of Allah.
The five obligatory prayers are the best deeds, and whoever observes them and does them at the appointed time as Allah has commanded, Allah has promised to enter Paradise.
Then follow the other pillars of Islam: Zakat, fasting, pilgrimage to Hajj. Next, be kind and loyal to your parents, build kinship relationships, and be kind to your neighbors, orphans, and the poor.
Will Allah replace your bad deeds with good deeds?
In Islam, the belief is that sincere repentance and righteous actions can lead to Allah replacing past sins with good deeds, as emphasized in Quranic verses like Surah Al-Furqan (25:70).
This underscores the transformative power of genuine repentance and virtuous conduct in seeking Allah’s mercy and forgiveness.
In the Islamic faith, Prophet Ibrahim is celebrated for his resolute belief in Allah. His narrative, recounted in the Quran, portrays a series of trials and challenges through which he demonstrated unwavering devotion, submission, and complete trust in God.
Islamic teachings stress the importance of regular and sincere deeds, with Prophet Muhammad emphasizing that actions consistently performed, even if small, are most cherished by Allah. The focus is on steadfast commitment rather than the scale of the deeds.
In the Islamic tradition, individuals seeking forgiveness for wrongdoing often recite the supplication: “Rabbana zalamna anfusana wa in lam taghfir lana wa tarhamna lana koonanna minal-khasireen. (Quran 7:23).
This prayer conveys remorse, acknowledges mistakes, and earnestly seeks forgiveness and mercy from Allah, emphasizing the importance of sincere repentance and a commitment to avoiding similar bad deeds.