Tajweed Meaning is to read Quran with good pronunciation

Tajweed Meaning

tajweed meaning

Have you ever wondered how a well-known Qari is able to recite Quran so accurately? “Tajweed” is the secret factor. You might now be wondering if you can learn Tajweed and recite Quran like those professional Quran reciters. You certainly can. To learn Tajweed effectively, you must first understand what Tajweed meaning is and why it is important.

Allah said: “Recite Quran in slow, measured regular tones.” (Surah Al-Muzzammil 4)

Therefore, we must realize the importance of Tajweed meaning in Quran recitation, and we must learn it in order to read Quran properly.

 Tajweed Meaning Definition

In the context of Quran recitation, the term “Tajweed” is particularly common. Tajweed meaning is to improve or to make anything exceptional.

Tajweed Meaning, in terms of Quran reading and recitation, is a collection of linguistic and phonetic standards utilized in reciting Quran in the correct manner, as the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did.

It is one of Quran’s and Islam’s most important sciences. It is a science regulated by strong static rules derived from the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) oral recitation of Quran after receiving revelation from the Angel Gabriel (Peace be upon him). In other terms, Tajweed Meaning is the art of refraining from making a mistake when reciting Allah’s words.

Founder of Tajweed

The author of the rules in practice is Allah’s Messenger, because Quran has been coming down from him “God the Highest,” with Tajweed. He has received it from the Secretariat worthy, Jibril (A.S /may Allah’s peace be upon him), who has taught it to his companions, who have taught it to their followers, and so on, until he has reached us with these chains. The rule is scientifically based on Quran scholars like Abu Ubayd al-Qasim ibn Salam.

Importance of Tajweed 

“And using Tajweed is an issue of absolute need”, said Imaam Muhammad Ibn Al-Jazari, may Allah have mercy on him, a distinguished Quran and Hadeeth scholar of the 9th Hijri century, in his famous poem detailing the rules of Tajweed: “Whoever does not apply Tajweed to the Quran, then he is a sinner”.

As a result, following the rules of Tajweed is required in order to avoid serious recitation mistakes.

“Beautify the Quran with your voices,” the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, remarked, according to Al-Bara ibn ‘Azib.

We can benefit from Tajweed as following;

  • The right interpretation of Quran’s Ayahs
  • Getting more and more rewards (10 rewards per letter)
  • Obtaining angels’ company
  • Elevating the ranks
  • Earning Jannah
  • Tajweed rules aid in understanding and learning of Quran very well.
  • Tajweed aid in the reciting of the Quran without mistakes.
  • Following Tajweed rules improves the quality of our Quran recitation.

Fundamental Rules of Tajweed

  • Makharij-ul-Huroof in Tajweed Meaning

Makharij-ul-Huroof refers to the letters’ emission points . The numerous areas and places in the mouth, lips, and neck from which the sounds of the various letters of classical ‘Fussha’ Arabic are produced. They are known as letter emission points.

  • Sifaat-ul-Huruf in Tajweed Meanin

Sifaat-ul-Huruf concerns the qualities of the letters. They refer to the various characteristics of the letters, or their manner of articulation.

  • The Noon Sakinah and Tanween in Tajweed Meaning

The Noon Sakinah and Tanween concerns the letters Noon and Tanween. There are four rules for Noon Sakinah and Tanween. They are Izhar, Iqlab, Idghaam and Ikhfaa.

  • The Meem Sakinah in Tajweed Meaning

There are three different ways to say Meem Sakinah. They are Idgham Shafawi, Ikhfaa Shafawi and Izhar Shafawi.

  • Muddud in Tajweed Meaning

Muddud concerns prolongation. When a Muddud letter follows a vowel letter, these rules refer to the amount of beats that we pronounce.

  • Laam(Qamariyya and Shamsiyya) in Tajweed Meaning

‘Al’ is the Arabic word for “the” (the letters Alif and Laam). If the letter after the al is “Qamariyya” (lunar), the Laam in ‘al’ is pronounced, but if the letter after the al is “Shamsiyya,” it is quiet (solar). The Arabic letters Qamariyya and Shamsiyya are distinguished by their shape.

It concerns the thickness and thinness of Arabic letter pronunciation. We pronounce some Arabic characters (such as Tafkhim) thick with a heavy accent, whereas we pronounce others thin with a soft accent (Tarqeeq).


In the end, we mentioned to you Tajweed Meaning, its importance and some fundamental rules of it. We must learn Tajweed so that we can read Quran by the way that our Prophet Muhammad used to recite. Also, reciting Quran with Tajweed doubles the reward.