Talking about The family of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, is one of the important matters for Muslims all over the world.
The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him was born in Mecca from the family of Quraish. He was born in “Rabee al-Awwal ربيع الأول” of the Year of the Elephant “عام الفيل”. Allah sent the Prophet Muhammad to be a mercy for all people.
So In this article, we will talk about The family of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
The family of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
Genealogy of the Prophet Muhammad
Allah chose for His Prophet Muhammad the best, noblest, and most ancient lineage. He is from Banu Hashim, and the Quraish tribe, which is one of the noblest tribes.
Birth of the Prophet Muhammad
When Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib’s age became eighteen or twenty-five years old, he got married to Amina bint Wahb. She was living with him and they lived in Mecca, so she became pregnant with the prophet Muhammad, Amina used to say that when she became pregnant with him, she felt that someone was saying to her, “You have carried the leader of this nation, so if he falls to the ground, say :
«إنّك قد حملت بسيّد هذه الأمّة، فإذا وقعَ على الأرض فقولي “أعيذه بالواحد من شرِّ كل حاسد”، ثم سمّيه “محمدًا”»
“I seek refuge in him from the evil of every envier,” then name him “Muhammad.
His father: Is Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib, his mother is “Fatima bint Amr bin Aa’idh bin Imran bin Makhzoum bin Iqtah bin Murrah bin Kaab bin Luay bin Ghalib.”
His mother: Amina bint Wahb bin Abd Manaf bin Zahra bin Kilab, her mother was Barraa bint Abdul Uzza bin Othman bin Abd al-Dar bin Qusay bin Kilab, and Amna was the best woman in Quraysh, in lineage and position.
The position of The family of the Prophet Muhammad in the Quraish
The Quraish were one of the most powerful and oldest tribes in the Arabian Peninsula, and the Sacred House “البيت الحرام albayt alharam” had a great impact in raising the status of Quraish among the tribes, and they were famous for their good manners, good treatment and not accepting injustice.
Grandfather of the Prophet Muhammad (Abdul Muttalib)
Abd al-Muttalib was generous and benevolent, and he dug the well of Zamzam and used to tend the Sacred House “البيت الحرام albayt alharam” and water the pilgrims, and he had ten children, and Abdullah,
the father of the Prophet was one of them, and Abdullah was famous for his good manners and character.
As for the grandmothers of the Prophet on his father’s side is Fatima bint Amr bin Aa’idh bin Imran bin Makhzoom, and his grandmother on the side of his mother is Barra bint Abd al-Uzza bin Uthman bin Abd al-Dar bin Qusay bin Kilab bin Murrah.
The mother of the Prophet Muhammad (Amna bint Wahb)
Amina bint Wahb bin Abd Manaf was one of the best women of Quraysh, in position. Her uncle, Wahib bin Abd Manaf raised her.
and Abdullah bin Abdul-Muttalib married her, and she became pregnant with Muhammad she was distinguished for her intelligence and good speech.
The death of the father and mother of the Prophet Muhammad
The father of the Prophet Abdullah went in trade to the city of Gaza. When he was returning to the city, he fell ill, and he died there
The mother of the Prophet, Amina, The Prophet Muhammad was born after the death of his father. She would go out every year from Mecca to Medina and visit his grave and return.
So she fell ill. On one of her journeys, she died in a place called Al-Abwa’الأبواء. It is located between Mecca and Medina, and the age of the Prophet at that time was six years, and there are other sayings that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was four years.
The Wives of the Prophet Muhammed

The Prophet married eleven wives they are:
. Khadija bint Khuwaylid and he married her when she was forty years old.
- Sawdah bint Zam’ah, and he married her after the death of her husband, Al-Sukran bin Amr.
- Aisha bint Abi Bakr, and she was the only virgin wife among his wives.
- Hafsa bint Omar bin Al-Khattab, and he married her after the martyrdom of her husband Khunais bin Hudhafa in the Battle of Badr.
- Zainab bint Jahsh, who is the daughter of his paternal aunt, however he married her after divorcing her from Zaid bin Haritha.
- Zainab bint Khuzaymah, and he married her after the martyrdom of her husband, Ubaidah bin Al-Harith, in the Battle of Badr.
- Hind bint Umayyah and she is his wife,
- Umm Salamah, whom he married after the martyrdom of her husband Abdullah bin al-Assad in the Battle of Uhud.
- Ramla bint Abi Sufyan, who is his wife, Umm Habiba, whom he married after the death of her husband, Ubaid Allah bin Jahsh.
- Maymoona bint Al-Harith Al-Hilaliah.
- Juwayriyah bint Al-Harith, and he married her after the death of her husband, Musa’if bin Safwan Al-Mutlaqi.
- Safiya bint Huyay bin Akhtab, and he married her after the death of her husband, Kinana bin Ubay
Children of the Prophet Muhammed
The Prophet was blessed with sons and daughters, and all of them from his wife Khadija – may God be pleased with her – except for his son Ibrahim
who was from his wife the Coptic Maria, and all of them died in his life, except for his daughter Fatimah, who died six months after him, and they are as follows:
He is the first and oldest of his sons and he died at the age of seventeen months.
She is the second child to him and the eldest of his daughters. She was born in Mecca before the prophethood. Her husband Abu Al-Aas bin Al-Rabee’ was her maternal cousin. She died in the eighth year of the Hijrah. Omar bin Al-Khattab prayed for her and She was buried in Baqi
She is his second daughter, and she married Utbah bin Abi Lahab, and he divorced her after the mission of the Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him -; Desiring the words of his mother and father. She married Othman bin Affan and she died after the Battle of Badr.
Umm Kulthum
She married Ubaybah bin Abi Lahab, and he divorced her because of the mission of the Prophet and according to the wishes of his mother and father.
She is the youngest of his daughters, and she married Ali bin Abi Talib and received the care of her father and mother. She died six months after his death, and she also was buried in Al-Baqi’.
He is the first of his male sons in Islam. He was born in Mecca after the mission. Because he was born after the prophecy, died when he was young and was buried in Al-Hujoun.
He was born in the eighth year of the Hijrah in Medina in the month of Dhul-Hijjah, and he died at the age of sixteen months and he also was buried in Al-Baqi.
Grandchildren of the Prophet Muhammed
The family of the Prophet Muhammad increased with a number of grandchildren from his daughters, and they are as follows:
- Ali bin Abi Al-Aas
- Abdullah bin Othman bin Affan, and he died when he was young after a rooster pecked him on his face. He is the son of his daughter Ruqayya.
- Al-Hasan, Al-Hussein, Al-Muhsin, Zainab and Umm Kulthum, from his daughter Fatimah and they are the remaining descendants of the Prophet.
Prophet Muhammed’s uncles and aunts
In fact, The Prophet has ten uncles, six of whom did not realize his mission, and four of them realized his mission. His name is Abd al-Uzza, al-Harith, al-Ghaidaq, Dirar, and Qutum.
and as for his aunts, they are six: Atika, Safiya, Umaima, Arwa, Umm Hakim, and Barra.
Uncles of the Prophet Muhammed
The mother of the Prophet had no safe brothers, and accordingly, the Prophet had no maternal uncles, but the tribe of his mother Bani Zuhra used to say: We are the uncles of the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – and the Prophet used to call Saad bin Abi Waqqas is my uncle. Although he is not his maternal uncle’s brother, he used to call him that because he was one of her cousins.
Read more about: Quran Tafseer
The meaning of Ijazah
Prophet Muhammad is believed to have been born in the year 570 CE. However, the exact date of his birth is not definitively known. Islamic tradition places his birth in the month of Rabi’ al-Awwal, and the 12th day of this month is commonly accepted by many Muslims as the date of his birth.
The Islamic calendar, which is a lunar calendar, is used to determine religious events and holidays, and it places the birth of the Prophet Muhammad in the 6th century CE.
The Prophet Muhammad is buried in the city of Medina, Saudi Arabia. His tomb is located within the Prophet’s Mosque (Al-Masjid an-Nabawi).
The mosque was originally built by the Prophet Muhammad himself and has undergone several expansions over the centuries. The Prophet’s burial chamber is in the southeastern part of the mosque, and it is a significant pilgrimage site for Muslims around the world.
Prophet Muhammad was of Arab descent. He was born in Mecca, in present-day Saudi Arabia, around the year 570 CE. The Quraysh tribe, one of the prominent Arab tribes at that time, was the tribe to which Muhammad belonged.
It’s important to note that Islam emphasizes the universality of its message, and the Prophet Muhammad is considered the final prophet sent to all of humanity, irrespective of ethnic or racial background.