Importance & Hadith On Charity In Islam | Quran Blessing

Importance & Hadith On Charity In Islam

Charity, referred to as “sadaqah” or “zakat” in Islam, holds immense significance within the Islamic faith. The idea of giving is deeply ingrained in the teachings of the Quran and the actions and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), as documented in hadiths. Here are key insights into the significance of charity in Islam, accompanied by pertinent hadiths:

Charity is viewed as a method of purifying both one’s wealth and soul. It aids individuals in distancing themselves from an excessive attachment to material possessions and nurtures feelings of gratitude and humility.

What Does the Quran Say About Charity?

The Quran underscores the significance of charity and benevolence through various verses. Here are some pivotal passages that emphasize the importance of charitable acts:

1. Zakat (Almsgiving): The Quran mandates the practice of Zakat, a form of obligatory charity for eligible Muslims, constituting one of the Five Pillars of Islam.

Establish prayer and contribute to charity. Whatever goodness you send forth for yourselves, you will find it with Allah. Surely, Allah is All-Seeing of your actions. (Quran 2:110)

2. Charitable Deeds and Righteousness:
“Righteousness is not merely turning your face towards the east or the west. True righteousness is [in] one who believes in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets, and who gives wealth out of love for Him to relatives, orphans, the needy, travelers, those who ask, and for freeing slaves…” (Quran 2:177)

3. Sadaqah (Voluntary Charity):
“The analogy of those who spend their wealth in the path of Allah is like a grain of corn that produces seven ears, and in every ear, there are a hundred grains. Thus, Allah multiplies the actions of whomever He wills.” (Quran 2:261)

4. Assisting Those in Need:

“And those who, when they spend, neither go beyond limits nor withhold, but maintain moderation in their generosity. They do not associate anyone with Allah, nor do they take a life, except in justice, nor do they commit adultery. Those who do these things will face the consequences of their deeds. On the Day of Resurrection, their penalty will be doubled, and they will abide in it in disgrace. However, for those who repent, believe, and do righteous deeds, Allah will transform their wrongdoings into good deeds. Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Quran 25:67-70)

Also Read: Best deeds in the eyes of Allah

Importance & Hadith On Charity In Islam
Importance & Hadith On Charity In Islam

Types of Charity in Islam

In Islam, there is a strong emphasis on charitable acts, and believers are encouraged to engage in different forms of giving. The principal categories of charity in Islam include Zakat and Sadaqah, each serving distinct purposes. Here is an overview of these types of charitable contributions:

1. Zakat:
– Definition: Zakat is a compulsory form of almsgiving and constitutes one of the Five Pillars of Islam. It involves donating a fixed portion (typically 2.5%) of one’s accumulated wealth and assets to those who qualify as recipients.
– Purpose: Zakat aims to cleanse wealth and assist those in need, addressing economic disparities in society and ensuring the welfare of the less privileged.

“And establish prayer and give zakah, and whatever good you put forward for yourselves – you will find it with Allah. Indeed, Allah, of what you do, is Seeing.” (Quran 2:110)

2. Sadaqah:
– Definition: Sadaqah encompasses voluntary acts of charity or kindness that can be given at one’s discretion. It is not obligatory but is highly recommended in Islam.
– Purpose: Sadaqah is a broader concept than Zakat, including any voluntary charity, such as monetary donations, goods, or acts of kindness. It serves as a means to seek Allah’s pleasure and express compassion for others.

“The example of those who spend their wealth in the Way of Allah is like that of a grain of corn that sprouts seven ears, and in every ear, there are a hundred grains. Thus Allah multiplies the action of whomsoever He wills.” (Quran 2:261)

3. Sadaqah Jariyah (Continuous Charity):
– Definition: This specific form of Sadaqah involves charitable acts with lasting benefits, such as building a well, a mosque, or supporting educational initiatives.
– Purpose: Sadaqah Jariyah is believed to yield ongoing rewards for the donor, as the charitable act continues to benefit people and the community over time.

4. Zakat al-Fitr:
– Definition: Zakat al-Fitr is a particular type of charity given after Ramadan, before the Eid al-Fitr prayer. It is mandatory for eligible Muslims and aims to purify those who fast from any indecent acts or speech and provide assistance to the poor and needy.

“The fast remains suspended between Heaven and Earth until the Sadaqat al-Fitr are paid.” (Hadith, Sunan Ibn Majah)

The Rewards of Charity

In Islam, the merits of engaging in acts of charity, both in this life and the Hereafter, are emphasized through various Quranic verses and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Here are key aspects highlighting the benefits of charity in Islam:

1. Increased Blessings and Well-being:
“The example of those who spend their wealth in the Way of Allah is like that of a grain of corn that sprouts seven ears, and in every ear, there are a hundred grains. Thus Allah multiplies the action of whomsoever He wills.” (Quran 2:261)

2. Protection from Adversity:
> “Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity.” (Hadith, Al-Tirmidhi)

3. Multiplication of Virtues:
“The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity.” (Hadith, Al-Tirmidhi)

4. Remission of Transgressions:
“Charity extinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire.” (Hadith, At-Tirmidhi)

5. Elevation in Spiritual Standing:

“Your smile for your brother is a charity. Your removal of stones, thorns, or bones from the paths of people is a charity. Your guidance of a person who is lost is a charity.” (Hadith, Bukhari, and Muslim)

6. Shelter on the Day of Reckoning:
“On the Day of Resurrection, the sun will be brought close to the servants’ heads until it is only a mile away. Yet it will not harm them. In that situation, the people will be submerged in perspiration according to their deeds: Some up to their ankles, some up to their knees, some up to their waists, and some will have the bridle of perspiration.” (Hadith, Sahih Muslim)

7. Everlasting Rewards in the Afterlife:
“The example of those who spend their wealth in the Way of Allah is like that of a grain of corn that sprouts seven ears, and in every ear, there are a hundred grains. Thus Allah multiplies the action of whomsoever He wills.” (Quran 2:261)

8. Attainment of Paradise:
“Sadaqah extinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire.” (Hadith, Ahmad)

9. Intercession on the Day of Judgment:
“The charitable man is in the shade of his charity on the Day of Resurrection.” (Hadith, Al-Tirmidhi)